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Revision History: (Included for reference)

Version LX-6 (LH-6?)
Date: May 11, 1995
U6: Checksum: A806 (X – Export)

The export version supersedes all A ROMs.

Note: I received a report from a customer that the “LX6 version” actually shows LH6 on the display when machine boots.  This is the official version supplied by Planetary Pinball labelled as LX6.  As I do not own a physical machine, I have reached out to several places, and I have not been able to confirm if this is an error in the rom itself, or there isn’t actually an LX6 version out  there and mislabeled on the PPS website.  If anyone has any information on this please send me a message!

Changes from revision L-5:

Fixed adjustment A.1 07 Replay Start. It now correctly adjusts
in the range 10 million to 900 million.

Version LX-5
Date: May 1, 1995
U6: Checksum: A205 (X – Export)

The export version supersedes all A ROMs.

Changes from revision L-4:

Fixed the jackpot lights being stuck on from collecting
a Khan super jackpot during the grace period.

Fixed the 5×6 font used in the skill shot screen. The number
“7” showed up as a “6”.

Fixed a glitch in the enter initials screen.

Fixed buy-in cancel to require both flippers to be hit.

Farley mode can now score more than 99 million.

Playing the same mode twice in one ball now allows the scores
to be added together.

Tilting now cancels multiball autofire.

Version L-4
Date: February 1, 1995
U6: Checksum: B604 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: 9904 (X – Export)
Checksum: A804 (F – France)

Changes from revision L-3:

Mini playfield no longer gets marked bad when a ball enters the
ball popper during ball search.

Ball search now jiggles the mini playfield kicker.

Version L-3
Date: January 25, 1995
U6: Checksum: CD03 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: D203 (X – Export)
Checksum: D103 (F – France)

Changes from revision L-2:

Enhanced the broken gun trigger compensation logic.

Fixed a few display effect text glitches.

Added a grace period to Khan super jackpot.

Closing coin door (and activating interlock switch) now causes
the ball shooter to fire if a ball is resting on it.

Version L-2
Date: December 6, 1994
U6: Checksum: AD02 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: 5D02 (X – Export)
Checksum: AA02 (F – France)

Changes from revision L-1:

Changed German buy-in pricing.

Changed German preset to 1 replay level. (Was 2.)

Enhanced ball shooter and ball save logic.

Version L-1
Date: December 1, 1994
U6: Checksum: CE01 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: 7E01 (X – Export)
Checksum: 7801 (F – France)

Initial release to production.

Weight .25 lbs
B/W Rom Options

[U6] CPU Rom vLX-6, [U6] CPU Rom vLX-5, [U6] CPU Rom vLX-4, [SU2] SOUND ROM vL-1, [SU3] SOUND ROM vL-1, [SU4] SOUND ROM vL-1, [SU5] SOUND ROM vL-1, [SU6] SOUND ROM vL-1, [SU7] SOUND ROM vL-1


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