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Revision Histories: (Yes Plural)
Included for reference, although seems to be same info with no mention of L3 or L6 to determine what version was actually correct before L9.
Conflicting checksums and dates. I have been burning the LX9 (called L-9 below) with checksum C409 without complaints. If you have an answer for this, please message me!

Version L-9
Date: November 29, 1994
U6: Checksum: C409

Changes from revision L-4:
Eject hole scoring fixed.
Enhanced coin logic.

Alternate Revision History? (Different Date)
U6: Version L-9
Checksum: C409
Date: December 8, 1992

Changes from revision L-8:
Eject hole scoring fixed.
Enhanced coin logic.

ANOTHER REVISION HISTORY!?!? (Checksum does not match PPS or IPDB)
Version L-9
Date: November 29, 1994
U6: Checksum: FA05 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: FD05 (X – Export)
The export version supersedes all A ROMs.

Changes from revision L-4:

Eject hole scoring fixed.
Enhanced coin logic.


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