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High Speed 2: The Getaway [Pinball] CPU Rom [U6] Version L-5 (This listing is the most current official release)
Revision History: (Included for reference)
       Version L-5
       Date: December 22, 1992
U6:    Checksum: 4905

Above is the only information included in the official readme.
If you would like more information, and to see the debate of L2 vs L5, please see these threads:
Google groups - Re: Getaway ROM versions comparison
Pinside forums - Getaway: High Speed II - What ROM set shoud I use?

WPC 95 Roms

[U6] CPU Rom L-5, [U6] CPU Rom L-5C, [U6] CPU Rom L-3, [U6] CPU Rom L-2, [U6] CPU Rom L-1, [U6] CPU Version P-7, [U6] CPU Version P-C, [U18] Sound Rom L-1


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