
Revision History: (Included for reference)

Revision 7.0
14 November 2020

Changes designed and implemented by Soren Worre.
Based on the revision L-6 software released in 1994 by Williams Electronics Games Inc.
The author would like to thank the designers of this pinball machine.
Special thanks to Jesper Graver.


The city modes sequence is no longer restricted to an east to west route.
With the trading post (Albuquerque) and The west coast (Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles) at certain progression.
New map mode feature adjustment.
Los Angeles mode bug fix.


Easier for players to experience the various modes of the game.
Greater variety from game to game. 
Strategic choices for playing preferred modes.
Bug fix.

Detailed changes description

Reference to the L-6 revision.

New feature adjustment A.2 27 "Route of cities".
 - "East west": Same as rev. L-6. City modes are progressing from east to west.
 - "Any route": City modes are playable in a semi-random route. Criss-crossing the map.

Default: "East west".

New feature adjustment A.2 28 "West coast city at".
Options "10" - "16": The city modes progression, at which, the west coast final modes become available. Applicable to the Any route mode only.

Default: "10".

Any route configuraition detailed description.

The route:
W	New York
O	Miami
Y	Atlanta

W	Ohio
O	New Orleans
Y	Nashville

W	Chicago
O	Dallas
Y	Kansas City

W	Minnesota
Y	Denver

W	Butte
Y	Salt Lake City
O	Las Vegas

The trading post:
O	Albuquerque

The west coast:
W	Seattle
Y	San Francisco
O	Los Angeles 

The route:
Game starts with New York lit.
On a mode finish, the next unplayed city on The route is lit.
A pop bumper hit will move a lit city to the next unplayed one on The route.
A stand-up target hit will move a lit city to the next unplayed one in its colour, if any, on The route.
The "next unplayed" is cycling back to the top.

The trading post:
Albuquerque is always city no. 8.
After Albuquerque, The route is re-entered at Denver.
If Denver is already played, lit city moves on to the next unplayed one.

The west coast:
At the adj. A.2 28 selected city number (10-16, default at 10) The west coast begins.
The city of The west coast, which is of same colour of the one just completed, is lit.

When adj. A.2 28 is set to a value between "10" and "15":
The west coast stage is running as in rev. L-6.
A pop bumper hit will move a lit city to the next one on The west coast.
A stand-up target hit will move a lit city to the one of its colour on The west coast.
One west coast city may be played (with option to start the Super payday wizard mode).
After this, the map resets and New York is the city lit.

When adj. A.2 28 is set to "16":
Special marathon option, where all three west coast cities may be played in succession.
A pop bumper hit will move a lit city to the next unplayed one on The west coast.
A stand-up target hit will move a lit city to the one of its colour on The west coast, if unplayed.
This stage is active until a) all west coast cities are played or b) Super payday is played.
After this, the map resets and New York is the city lit.

The map runs a new light show celebration, when 17 cities are completed.
With the 18th and final city pending play for a completion of the entire map.

The stand-up targets refered to are the orange, yellow and white ones only.

A bug where the Payday bonus could be given for an unplayed city (with 0 points), fixed.

The city of Houlton appears as an easter egg during Super payday. Does not affect points awarded.

A bug where the Los Angeles mode could fail to end on time expiration, fixed.

The lamp matrix procedure is upgraded to better prevent "ghosting" when LED lamps are used.

Adjustment A.1 21 "Language" is limited to "English".

Adjustment A.1 28 "Min. vol override" defaults to “Yes”.


When adj. A.2 27 "Route of cities" is set to "East west", the adj. A.2 28 "West coast city at" is irrelevant.

When adj. A.2 27 "Route of cities" is set to "Any route", the adj. A.2 16 "Longer path" is irrelevant.

Sound board software

To be installed with sound board software rev. L-1.


Copyright 1996, 2020 Williams Electronics Games Inc. & Planetary Pinball Supply Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability,
whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Version L-6
Date: October 11, 1995
U6: Checksum: 0506

Changes from revision L-5:

Fixed XX bonus display.

Fixed display bug in New Orleans mode. It was displaying the
incorrect score value for the next shot.

Fixed a bug in Super Payday where the wrong city and score was
awarded. This bug only showed up on multi-player games.

Added adjustment for the shaker motor (default=NORMAL)
Values are NORMAL, SOFT, and OFF

Added adjustment to allow buyins once a player has reached
the West Coast (default=OFF).

Fixed blinking lamp in blast zone from 2x Atlanta blast. The
lamp was being left on.

Fixed ALL TARGETS SCORE 16,xxx,xxx display bug in Super Payday
introduction screen.

Added jackpot compensation for broken Red mouth switch.

Multiball restart timer is now paused while ball is in the lockup.
(e.g. for Extra Ball display effect)

Enhanced the handling of the proximity switches in front of Ted
and Red. They are now better debounced in case they are

Added special code to limit the amount of time the Red and Ted
eyelids are activated to prevent the coils from overheating.

Version L-5
Date: December 15, 1994
U6: Checksum: 2405 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: F105 (X – Export)

Changes from revision L-4:

Fixed a few French translations.

Changed Special and Replay % for France. Turned on Match
for France.

With TOURNAMENT set to YES, the souvenirs are awarded
in order instead of randomly.

Shut “Red” up when the wheel isn’t lit on a bridge-out.

Fixed the Spinner value. It was not ever being initialized,
so that it would carry over from ball to ball and
game to game.

Fixed a small display glitch in the Nashville award.

Fixed a TILT problem with Flying Rocks. It was possible
to restart start Flying Rocks after a TILT.

Changed to only 1 replay level for Germany.

Accumulated bonus credit fractions are cleared at the
end of ball, unless coins have been inserted recently.

After 9 minutes of idle time, any credit fractions less
than 1/2 are cleared.

Version L-4
Date: October 26, 1994
U6: Checksum: 6804 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: 9904 (X – Export)

Changes from revision L-3:

Fixed the adjustment STARTING DAY. If it was set to anything
but MONDAY, it would score and make a sound at game start.

Fixed the Special award. It was awarding a special from either
lane if either lamp was lit.

Changed default BALL SAVE TIME to ON.

Added 26 score levels to the spinner scoring so that it
doesn’t MAX as fast.

If LONGER PATH was set to OFF, there was a possibility
of the first city being Atlanta. It has been fixed to
allow only New York City or Miami.

Put in French translations.

Fixed up some effects.

Changed it so you can now go to MIAMI from the west coast.

Put SPAIN 2 and coin meter into Spanish preset.

Fixed a problem with Super Payday. It was sometimes fetching
an incorrect award and displaying “HOULTON 0,000,000”.

Fixed display and speech in Atlanta. If the player aborted
the instructions and quickly made the blast zone shot, the
display would behave incorrectly.

Version L-3
Date: October 12, 1994
U6: Checksum: 0B03 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: D903 (X – Export)

Changes from revision L-2:

Added the last of the German translations. This also fixes
2 phrases which were too long to fit on the screen in
the Albuquerque effect.

Fixed a bug where sometimes the “select a souvenir”
computer noise was not getting killed.

Version L-2
Date: October 10, 1994
U6: Checksum: BC02 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: B202 (X – Export)

Changes from revision L-1:

Fixed a serious bug in the exploding font effect. When
jumpered for Germany, which causes periods to be exploded,
some games would crash.

Version L-1
Date: October 7, 1994
U6: Checksum: BA01 (A – USA/Canada)
Checksum: B001 (X – Export)

Initial release to production.

Weight .25 lbs
B/W Rom Options

[U6] CPU Rom v7.0, [U6] CPU Rom vL-6, [U6] CPU Rom vLX-5, [U6] CPU Rom vLA-5, [U6] CPU Rom vLX-4, [U6] CPU Rom vLA-4, [U6] CPU Rom vLX-3, [U6] CPU Rom vLX-2, [U22] Security Chip #524, [SU2-SU8] Sound Rom Set vL1


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