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Revision History: (Included for reference)

U6: Version F-4
Checksum: A004
Date: November 13, 1991

* This is a special revision intended for use with the Fliptronic
Solid-State flipper system.  DO NOT USE this revision on games that
use conventional flippers, use revision L-3 instead.

U6: Version L-3
Checksum: 2003
Date: October 28, 1991

* Note: This version of Party Zone is intended for machines WITHOUT
  solid-state flippers.  If your machine uses the Fliptronic Solid-State
  system, get revision F-4 instead.
Weight .25 lbs
B/W Rom Options

[U6] CPU Rom vF-4 (Fliptronic Solid State Machines ONLY), [U6] CPU Rom vL-3 (Non-Solid State Machines ONLY)


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