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Congo [Pinball] CPU Rom [G11/U6] Version 2.1 (This listing is the most current official release)

Revision History: (Included for reference)
Version 2.1
Date: October 7, 1996
G11/U6:Checksum: 2121

Changes from version 2.0:

Fixed a bug in the ball save adjustment so you can now turn ball
saves off.

Fixed a bug in the attract mode display for multiple replay levels.

Fixed skill fire display effect.

Improved plunger initilization at powerup.

Changed buy-in to allow for more time if money is inserted.

Improved printer support.

Version 2.0
Date: February 8, 1996
G11/U6:Checksum: B820

This release of software facilitates the development of the
kit version of the Congo playfield.

This version works with the following sound revisions:

Sound rev 1.0 or 1.0-kit

This ROM automatically detects the WPC or WPC-95 hardware
and will work with either system.

Note: Games that do not have the new WPC-95 hardware also require
the use of the 1.0 Kit sound ROMs. These are a special
copy of sound version rev 1.0 made using 4 meg ROMs.

Changes from revison 1.3:

Added some sounds to match.

Added more French adjustment and audit translations.

Version: 1.3
Date: January 4, 1996
G11: Checksum: 4313

This version works with sound rev 1.0

Changes from revision 1.1:

Update to apple version 3.54 to provide serial interface
support on WPC-95.

Revised Paramount logo with the words “A Viacom Company”.

Version: 1.1
Date: December 12, 1995
G11: Checksum: D711

This version works with sound rev 1.0.

Changes from revision 1.0:

Fixed a test mode display glitch.

Version: 1.0
Date: December 11, 1995
G11: Checksum: CA10

This is the release of software for production.

This version works with sound rev 1.0:

S2: Checksum: 9E00
S3: Checksum: E500
S4: Checksum: 3800

Changes from revision 0.3:

Added lamp, display and sound effects.

Changed coin meter test time to 64ms.

Changed loop gates to make them raise faster.

Fixed a player 1/player 2 score overlap.

Changed plunger to prevent extraneous firing at power up.

Fixed an incorrect report of gorilla standup switch errors.

Added Novice Mode. DEFAULT: OFF

Fixed buy-in adjustment so it does not get turned on when
pricing is changed.

Version: 0.2
Date: December 11, 1995
G11: Checksum: AE02 (R – Regular)
Checksum: 9902 (B – Belgium/Canada)

This is the first release of software for production of sample games.

This version must be used with sound revision 0.4 or later:

S2: Checksum: 4D00
Sound Rom Revision History: (Included for reference)
Version 1.1
Date: October 9, 1996
S2: Checksum: 9300

This revision eliminates a ‘buzzing’ sound that is occasionally
emitted from some games. If you experience this problem, use this
version to replace the S2 on the Audio Visual board in your game.

This version of S2 requires that the other sound ROMs be at Version
1.0 or later. The AV diagnostics will indicate if the other ROMs
are bad or out of date by ‘bonging’ at power-up.

(3 bongs = bad S3, 4 bongs= bad S4, 5 bongs = bad S5, etc.)

Weight .25 lbs
Bally / Williams ROM Options

[G11] CPU Rom v2.1, [G11] CPU Rom v2.0, [G11] CPU Rom v1.3, [G11] CPU Rom v1.1, [G11] CPU Rom v1.0, [S2] Sound Rom v1.1, [S2, S3, S4] 3 Rom Sound Set v1.1, [S2-S7] 6 Rom Set v1.0 (DCS Hardware ONLY), [G10] WPC Security Chip


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