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System 9 games have the software revision identified with an “L” to signify the Level of software release.

To see what version your game is running, set your test switch to AUTO/UP and press ADVANCE while in Game Over mode. You will see “2GGG” in the player 1 display, where GGG is the game number. The player 2 display will show the number of the installed game revision.

Revision history was never released for this item or not available at the time of listing.

Comet (System 9) Game Information: Software Checksums
Game Number Game Name Software Revision Game ROM (CPU Board) Sound ROM (CPU Board) Speech ROMs (Sound Board)
540 Comet L-4 U20: 2FB7 U49: C5CC U4: F82E
U5: E7C3
U6: FC95
U7: F9CC


Weight .25 lbs
System 9 Roms

CPU Rom Set vL4 [U20, u49], CPU/Sound Rom Set vL4 System 11 Hardware [U21,U22,U27], 2732 Speech Rom Set vL4 [U4,U5,U6,U7], 2532 Speech Rom Set vL4 [U4,U5,U6,U7]


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